To go more in detail, the store concept came partially because I had been working with my friend on marketing his brand of honey, and had been wracking my brain to figure out how to make this single brand stand out in a flooded marketplace. I had always known that bees were essential to life. I felt that they didn’t get the credit they richly deserved for all they did for the earth and its residents. I decided to dive really deeply into the bee and honey world to educate myself further. The fact that the worker bees are all female and the hive has its own structured society was fascinating! The more I learned about it, the more in awe I became of the superior instincts the bees possess. Then, after taking a honey-tasting course, I also realized just how extensive and varied the honeys produced throughout the world were. I had never tasted the goodness of small-batch, artisan honey until then. The honey tastings reminded me of wine tastings I had experienced and loved at vineyards through the years. A whole new world had revealed itself to me and I was hooked. The fever dream needed to become a reality!
The idea of opening a honey emporium was very exciting to me. Everything bee, everything honey. It would carry a curated collection of not one, but many, well-vetted, artisan honeys originating from local, national and world sources (again with the wine store vibes) as well as a fun variety of bee-inspired gifts, books, skincare, jewelry…and much, much more. It had to be an interactive experience as well. And that’s how Grand Central Honey began…